Tag Archives: Facebook

Just Some More Mainstream Slut Shaming on Facebook, NBD.

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Only up for a month, “Embarrassing Nightclub Photos” has hundreds of thousands of “likes.” Naturally the comments section is fucking brutal. This kind of public shaming is so prominent and acceptable on the internet it’s a wonder any women still go online at all.

“This is just for shits n giggles & not intended to intentionally offend any individual/business,” the “About” section offers as a disclaimer. And indeed, the few lone commenters who attempt to speak out amidst the hundreds of people “Liking,” sharing and commenting on humiliating photos of unwitting women are told to shut up and get a sense of humor. In the majority of the community members’ minds, these women (yes, always women; the men in the photos are given virtual slaps on the back for being players or xcore partiers while the women next to them are denigrated) deserve to be made fun of because they got so wasted. Let’s remember that the commenters know nothing about these women; the assumption is that any woman on the site is ripe for bullying because she is “asking it” for being out at a club, even if she didn’t ask to have her photo taken (and posted on a site for over half a million assholes to see).

Ignorance man. I don’t like it. It really gets my goat.

Via Jezebel



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